Fiction Writing Tools Updates by Author S. A. Soule

August 5, 2018

Dear Authors,

Recently, editor and author S. A. Soule (me!) has expanded and updated all of the guides in the Fiction Writing Tools series.

If the eBook that you've purchased in the past doesn't have the same cover as these covers featured below, then you might have an older version.

The cool thing about buying a digital book is that a reader can update an eBook with the latest version at any time, and it doesn’t require buying a new edition.

You can do this at no additional cost and you do not have to buy a new book. 
If you want your Kindle eReader to automatically update your eBooks, you can turn the option on, and update your eBook manually.

Or you can contact Amazon and ask them to update the eBook for you. I've had to do this a few times to get the newest version of a book, but it is so worth it!

If you didn't buy your eBook from Amazon, then I encourage you to contact your online book retailer to request an updated edition.

Check your eReader, and if you do not have the covers featured below, then you do not own the latest versions.

Each of these guidebooks were republished under the same ASIN identification number through Amazon, so you should have no problem requesting the newest versions.

However, if you do encounter ANY problems, please contact me via email and I will send you the new eBooks. I will just need a "proof of purchase" screenshot to verify, and then I will happily send you the latest eBook editions.


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