YA Bloggers to Review Your Novel - Self-Publishing Tips Part #10 - #indieauthor #bookmarketing

October 30, 2015
This post is mainly for young adult authors, but whatever genre you write in these tips can help.

If a writer just puts keywords like: "young adult blogger" or "young adult reviews" or "young adult paranormal blogger" into a search engine, they'll find a lot bloggers to contact. 

And another way is to search for other authors whose work is similar to yours and find book bloggers that enjoyed those novels and contact them. If these reviewers likes those types of stories and genre, then it’s a safe bet that they’ll love your story, too. 

Here are a few book blogger/reviewer directories to use: 







These blog posts should help, too. 

 7 Tips on Getting Book Reviews: http://fictionwritingtools.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-tips-on-book-promotion-and-getting.html 

 5 Amazing Tips on Author Promotion and Book Marketing: http://fictionwritingtools.blogspot.com/2015/03/book-promotion-and-marketing-part-2.html

 4 Ways to Successfully Get Book Reviews: http://fictionwritingtools.blogspot.com/2015/03/4-ways-to-successfully-get-book-reviews.html

Marketing Your Young Adult Novel: http://fictionwritingtools.blogspot.com
 18 Great Tips on Book Promotion: http://fictionwritingtools.blogspot.com/2015/06/16-great-tips-on-book-promotion.html

50 Writing Resources: http://fictionwritingtools.blogspot.com/p/resources.html

Hope this info helps you to find success!

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