The Ultimate Romance Series Bible Workbook

January 16, 2022

A Romance Series Bible Designed for Authors by an Author!

USA Today Bestselling Author Rebekah R. Ganiere spent years trying to find the perfect Worksheets for a Series Bible and when she couldn’t find them, she made them and put them all in one place.

From World-building to Characters, and from Plotting to Research and everything in between - The Ultimate Romance Series Bible will keep track of everything you need to remember so you can write a stellar Romance Series that Readers will fall in love with and know all the rules of without even realizing it.

The Ultimate Series Bible is the best place to write down all the details of your world and to find them easily when you need them. This workbook has room for eight books, meaning you can have all the information you need to keep track of for up to eight books all in one place!

Level Up Your Writing Career Today!

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