Writing Goals in 2020

March 8, 2020

A little self-reflection on 2019...

I’d like to believe that out of our struggles, disappointments, hurts, mistakes, and life’s heartaches that we learn something. By wanting to help other authors, I was trying to fill a void within myself, and that backfired the last time I did it. *sigh* 

Which is when I became more conscious of my behavior. One thing I have became painfully aware of after that recent “scandal” was that I had been in a negative, unhappy place for a while. Others had pointed out my negativity, yet I was in denial. However, looking back I realize now that my actions and words were conflicting with what I was doing and saying.

Self-awareness is like a bitch slap to the face. It can be both eye-opening and humbling. And boy, can it sting…

I have met other people who claim to be positive, and yet, their actions and social media posts convey the opposite. Maybe they enjoy the attention, like playing the victim, or need validation that whatever is going wrong in their life has justification. But the more attention you place on a problem or person, the more power you give to it.

Why give away your power? Why focus all your energy on the negative?

In 2020, I am going to ‘woman up’ (that should totally be a phrase!) and shake off any and all negativity, like the wise Taylor Swift would say. There’s no more room in my life for excuses, denials, rationalizations, or epic pity-parties thrown in my honor. I want 2020 to be the year I become strong and determined. Happy and positive. Gentler and wiser.

I want to encourage you to do the same. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Forgive yourself more and find forgiveness for others, which I know can be hard to do. But you know what? I believe in you. Perhaps, 2019 wasn’t your year, but in 2020, I hope you join me in making it the most successful and creative year we’ve ever had.

Who’s with me? Who’s ready to be an author boss? Let's do this!!!

#positivewriterslife #indieauthorgoals #movingonfrommistakes #livingmybestlife

Please join me on Facebook "SA Soule" for self-editing and writing tips,  book marketing advice, and savvy author branding suggestions! 😀

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